Our Story

First and foremost:

Our mission is to provide support for children, parents, and individuals in need of community resources or mental health support by connecting them with aligned organizations and foundations.

Our purpose is to promote the idea that asking for help is a sign of strength and that true success is a collective effort, not just an individual achievement.

Out of a desire to make a difference in mental health services, help support single parents, curate an entity of core values of love, faith, strength, kindness, and a strive to be a part of a supportive community, ShopJenny was born.

We believe in the power of coming together as a community, and we are committed to helping and supporting one another.

ShopJenny was created to embody these goals and our mission in two ways. It is a vessel to achieve bringing joy to people's lives through quality fashion and use proceeds to realize our mission and purpose, like sponsoring counseling appointments or purchasing of children’s supplies.

We are grateful for your support through orders, reviews, and word of mouth, as it enables us to live out our mission and purpose.

We hope that you will join us on our journey.

With Love + Light,

Jennifer aka “Jenny”
[owner | operator]

Have an organization in mind that may align with our mission? Send us an email.

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